
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cupcakes Galore

A few weeks ago, some friends from church held a fundraiser to help them cover the costs of adoption. They put on a soup supper with delicious homemade soups, salad, fresh bread and other yummy goodies. A couple of us decided that we wanted to get in on the action, and so we decided to bake cupcakes to give away at the dinner for a donation. Both Lara and I were very excited about the prospect of baking a bunch of cupcakes, one of my favorite things to do! We decided on 4 different types of cupcakes and one batch of muffins, for something a little different.

I wasn't quite sure how much work it would be to make 120 cupcakes/muffins, but it turned out to be not that bad at all. We baked 4 dozen cupcakes a week before and froze them until we needed them. The rest we made the day before and the day of the fundraiser. Although I absolutely love frosting ( it's my favorite part of eating cake) I admit that I don't enjoy making it. It's messy and sticky and can take a while if I want a really nice buttercream. In order to make things easier on, I called up a local bakery and asked them if they sold frosting; thankfully they did. I ended up buying 2 pounds of white buttercream from the bakery, which almost perfectly covered 4 dozen cupcakes. For the other 4 dozen, I made a couple batches of cream cheese frosting.

Buying some of the frosting was a real lifesaver, it meant I didn't have to take the time to make it, and I couldn't have made a batch of buttercream any better than the bakery, it was absolutely delicious, light and fluffy and full of sweet buttery flavor. I highly recommend doing the same thing if you just don't have the time to do it yourself.

I had such a fun time baking and decorating these cupcakes. I would definitely do something like this again. It was a nice practice round in case I ever get asked to do it again. Now I have some experience.

A table full of ingredients, before I began

Trying to stay organized

The first batch, classic yellow cupcakes

Turned out great!

On to the chocolate

Separating Oreos for the bottom
of the Oreo cupcakes

Oreos make everything better!

#4: Red Velvet

Last but not least, chocolate 
chip muffins

The fun part, frosting!

All finished, a kitchen full of cupcakes

For the fundraiser, I can't take credit for this
awesome sign, it all goes to Angie

We had tons of cupcakes

Pretty and edible


A few more shots

One thing I learned, if making cupcakes for kids, 
put sprinkles on them, they 
love them!

All of the cupcakes turned out deliciously and were a  big hit. I'll make them again and hopefully be able to do an individual post on each. Until then, here's where I got the cupcake recipes (I've had the muffin recipe for a while and don't remember where it came from, I'll post it soon!).  

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, wow! these are absolutely adorable- and for what a great cause! my sister and i took on a challenge similar to this for a sorority event a few years ago, i'm glad to know i'm not the only one crazy enough to bake this many cupcakes at once haha... love your blog!
