
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Baby Announcement Cookies (and Cupcakes!)

Last month, on Mother's Day, my brother and sister-in-law gave my mom the most perfect present, the news that she would soon be a grandma! My mom was ecstatic (of course) and could hardly believe it. After telling us all the news, my sister-in-law asked Lara and I if we would be willing to bake her some goodies to give to her friends and co-workers to tell them the good news. For her friends we made white cupcakes with blue and pink swirled frosting, and for her to bring to work we made decorated sugar cookies. Even with a limited amount of time they turned out great! A cute way to let your friends and loved ones know you are expecting.

I have to be honest and say that I did none of the work on these cookies. Lara baked the cookies and did all of the decorating. I baked the cupcakes that we made which also turned out very cute (but I forgot to get a picture of). The whole thing was a success, and something I would love to do again for someone else. Spreading good news with food sounds like a great idea to me!

You can find the cookie and icing recipes here.

Update: I forgot to take a picture of the cupcakes, but my sister-in-law got a few goods ones and sent them to me. Now I can share them with you! Here they are: