
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Peach and Blueberry Parfaits

Simple pleasures:

            -Finding a new bakery to love

            -A sandy beach and a good book

            -Warm fires and cool nights

            -Sunsets and ice cream

            -Heirloom tomatoes

            -Peaches and blueberries

            -Homemade yogurt and homemade granola

Yeah, that pretty much sums up my week.

To me, simple is best. Breakfast really can't get any better than this. So fresh, so sweet, so delicious. August is being very good to me this year, I'll be sad when it ends. But until it does, another parfait please!

Parfaits are really so simple to make, and yet look elegant and classy, especially in a fun glass! No recipe required. All you need is some yogurt, granola and fruit, whatever's in season. Start layering; yogurt, fruit, granola, repeat until you reach the top. Nothing else to it!

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