
Monday, September 23, 2013

Heirloom Tomato BLT

Fall has officially arrived. Summer has disappeared. It's a sad time for me every year. It's not as though I have anything against fall, I actually like the season quite a bit, cold nights, cool crisp days, colorful leaves dropping all around, and the best baking of the year. I do love me some fall baking! No, it's not fall that I dislike, it's just the knowledge that it's going to keep getting colder and colder, darker and darker, for months on end. Winter has its charm, but in my book it just can't compete with the beauty and warmth of summer. So as one last tribute to this past summer, I give you one of the best late summer meals of all time; a BLT on homemade bread with heirloom tomatoes, freshly picked corn on the cob, slathered in butter and covered in salt, and a bowl of juicy, sweet watermelon. I dare you to name me a better summer meal!

It was so much fun to go to the farmer’s market and pick out some beautiful heirloom tomatoes for my sandwich. There are so many options that all look and sound delicious; it’s a very difficult decision! I decided on one brandywine, since my brandywine plant didn’t make it this year. I don’t know what happened, but it died in July, it was a very sad day. I also went with the beautiful green tomato that you see. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was one of the favorites of the girl at the farmer’s market, and I can see why!

I grabbed some fresh lettuce at the farmer’s market as well, and stopped by the meat market and picked up just a few pieces of freshly sliced, thick cut bacon. A little mayo, some homemade bread and voila! Dinner is served!

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