
Sunday, December 8, 2013

First Birthday Cupcakes

A couple of weeks ago, my nephew celebrated his first birthday. I can't believe he is a year old already! It went so fast, he is growing up right in front of my eyes. Since I was always the youngest on both sides of my family, I'm not used to having a little person around to watch grow and change. It is amazing to see his development progress from week to week. 

Of course I was ready and hoping I would be able to make him some kind of cake for his birthday, so when my sister-in-law asked if I could make a couple dozen cupcakes for his birthday party I was super excited and raring to go. She requested a batch of chocolate cupcakes with green frosting and a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes with blue frosting. I had such a fun time with these, and think they turned out really well, it was a great way to celebrate this special birthday. 

For the party I went with two cupcake recipes I've made many times already and know will always be great. The always popular chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes which I changed up this time by coloring the frosting blue. I wasn't quite sure how they would look since they wouldn't be quite as cookie dough-ish with blue frosting on top, but I needn't have worried, they turned out beautifully, and tasted great too! 

The second choice were these ultimate chocolate cupcakes for which I skipped the ganache filling this time (mostly because I didn't have any cream, and didn't feel like going to the store) and they still turned out wonderfully. I made a swiss buttercream to finish them off which I colored bright green. The dark chocolate cupcakes contrasted beautifully with the bright frosting which I topped of with some little round candies. 

My sister in law finished off the cupcakes with these super cute little flags. My mouth was watering the whole party, it can be so difficult to wait for dessert!

The birthday boy got the first cupcake. At first I think he was a little unsure as to what he was supposed to do. It was his first party after all.  

He figured it out in the end though, what a cutie! Happy birthday little guy!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
Ultimate Chocolate Cupcakes


  1. how did you make the lime green color for the frosting?

    1. I just made a batch of buttercream and added some electric green gel food coloring, and a lot of it! I wanted it to be vibrant, and it certainly was!
